Both of these are samples only, they should not be used as i, only as examples/templates. They are both taken from an interim release of Assimilator, and they do nothing useful in an of themselves.
Sample with A4 shows how to setup A4 so you can use global variables.
Sample without A4 uses a hack technique to get some code-relative storage space.
Both samples detach themselves so that the code remains in the System heap (otherwise the init loader will close the file when it's finished running the INIT and the code will be lost).
Both samples implement a Gestalt to allow them to talk to the Assimilator application.
Both samples patch InitMenus to get a look in every time an application is launched. Sample with A4 uses the patch to stop the Finder from launching and to launch Assimilator instead. Sample without A4 uses the patch to install another patch in the Finder. Patches done at INIT time are global to the system, but patches done afterwards are local to the application. In this case, I want to patch _OSDispatch, but it is not implemented until late in the boot process, so I can't just patch it at INIT time. This kind of patch within a patch is a useful technique.
Feel free to do whatever you want with this code, but dont expect and warantee or help with the code.